Planet Geography Books

Planet Geography

Planet Geography


Our Connected Planet covers all parts of the Higher Level extension for IBDP Geography Paper 3.  The book contains 320 pages in full colour, 17.2cm x 24.5cm, with 9 chapters that mirror the structure of the syllabus.  View sample pages from the book here.

Chapter 1 is ‘Global interactions and global power’.  It comprises 38 pages divided into the following sections:

  1. Globalisation and global interactions (including the difference between global interactions and globalisation; theories of globalisation)

  2. Globalisation indices (including AT Kearny Index; KOF Index; Maastricht Index; evaluating the indices)

  3. Global superpowers (including case studies of the United States and China)

  4. Powerful organisations and global groups (including G7/8; G20; OECD; OPEC; global lending institutions such as the World Bank, IMF and the New Development Bank)

Chapter 2 is ‘Global networks and flows’.  It comprises 35 pages divided into the following sections:

  1. Global trade in materials, manufactured goods and services (including the global triad)

  2. International aid, loans and debt relief

  3. International remittances from economic migrants

  4. Illegal flows (including human trafficking; narcotics and counterfeit goods)

  5. Foreign direct investment and outsourcing by TNCs (including supply chain organisation)

  6. A case study of Apple’s global strategy and supply chain

  7. A case study of Airbus’ global strategy and supply chain

Chapter 3 is ‘Human and physical influences on global interactions’.  It comprises 44 pages divided into the following sections:

  1. Political factors that affect global interactions (including multi-governmental organisations using the United Nations and European Union as examples; free trade zones using the Shanghai FTZ as an example; and economic migration controls and rules, with a focus on the United States)

  2. Our ‘shrinking world’ (including changing global data flow patterns and trends; transport developments over time; communications infrastructure and use)

  3. The physical environment and global interactions (including natural resource availability; geographic isolation)

Chapter 4 is ‘Development opportunities’.  It comprises 46 pages divided into the following sections:

  1. The multidimensional process of human development (including Sustainable Development Goals criteria; validity and reliability of development indicators including the Human Development Index and gender Inequality Index)

  2. Empowering women, indigenous and minority groups (including the role and status of women and other minority groups)

  3. A case study of affirmative action to empower women in Muslim countries

  4. A case study of affirmative action to close the development gap for women in China

  5. A case study of affirmative action to advance the Dani people of West Papua

  6. Social entrepreneurship (including microcredit and microfinance organisations; alternative trading networks; TNC corporate social responsibility)

Chapter 5 is ‘Changing identities and cultures’.  It comprises 22 pages divided into the following sections:

  1. Cultural traits, ethnicities and identities (including cultural differentialism; cultural hybridisation, dilution, homogenisation and convergence)

  2. Effects of global interactions on cultural diversity (including the diffusion of cultural traits; glocalisation of branded commodities and cultural hybridity; adoption vs adaption of mass consumer culture; cultural landscape changes in the built environment)

  3. Influence of diasporas on cultural diversity and identity (including a detailed case study of the Korean diaspora)

Chapter 6 is ‘Local responses to global interactions’.  It comprises 31 pages divided into the following sections:

  1. Local and civil society resistance to global interactions (including adoption, adaptation or rejection of globalised goods; anti-globalisation and anti-Globalisation; rejection of globalised production)

  2. A case study of the campaign against McDonalds in Tecoma

  3. The rise of anti-immigration movements

  4. Case studies of anti-immigration movements in Europe and the United States

  5. Geopolitical constraints on global interactions (including government and militia controls on personal freedoms; freedom of movement; internet freedom)

  6. Case study of constraints on global interactions in North Korea

  7. National trade restrictions (including resource nationalism, and trade sanctions)

  8. The role of civil society in promoting international-mindedness

  9. Case study of pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong

  10. Case study of the Malala Fund and education for girls

Chapter 7 is ‘Geopolitical and economic risks’.  It comprises 45 pages divided into the following sections:

  1. Threats to individuals and businesses (including cybersecurity; hacking and identity theft; internet surveillance, and the rise of the Pirate Party)

  2. Risks to global supply chain flows

  3. Threats to the political and economic sovereignty of states (including the nature of nation-states; the changing role of the nation-state; profit repatriation and tax avoidance)

  4. Case study of Apple’s tax avoidance

  5. Tax avoidance by wealthy individuals

  6. Disruptive technological innovations

  7. Increased globalisation and renewed nationalism and tribalism (including a case study of nationalism in Turkey; geopolitical tensions and conflicts)

  8. Case study of the Israel-Palestine conflict

  9. Case study of geopolitical tensions and conflict on the Korean peninsula

Chapter 8 is ‘Environmental risks’.  It comprises 24 pages divided into the following sections:

  1. Transboundary pollution (including a discussion of acid rain and a case study of acid rain in East Asia)

  2. Environmental impacts of global flows (including localised pollution along roadsides and shipping lanes; carbon footprints for global flows of food, goods and people)

  3. Environmental issues linked with the global shift of industry (including polluting manufacturing industries; food production systems for global agribusiness)

Chapter 9 is ‘Local and global resilience’.  It comprises 23 pages divided into the following sections:

  1. Successes of civil society organisations

  2. Case study of SweatFree Communities (a social civil society organisation)

  3. Case study of (an environmental civil society organisation)

  4. Strategies to build resilience (including reshoring of economic activity by transnational corporations; crowdsourcing technologies; and new technologies including cybersecurity and e-passports)

1st edition


2nd edition